Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mortgage rates have started a small increase

Mortgage rates moved gently lower to begin the week (and month), ending a two day run toward higher rates on Thursday and Friday.  Trading levels in the secondary mortgage market began the day in the same territory as Friday afternoon and gradually improved throughout the day. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Groupon announced a new service to process mobile payments!

Mobile Payment Processing PartyBetter known for coupons than credit cards, internet discount company Groupon announced a new service to process mobile payments. The company says it will seek to develop a system that charges the “lowest rates in today’s marketplace”.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Debts have to be returned!

Do you have a debt from years ago that you never paid? If so, beware. That old account could come lurching back to life when you least expect it.