Friday, October 26, 2012

Innovation: IBT has developed a strategic identity theft prevention plan with Red Flag Alerts in Real-Time

IBT, a leading innovator of best of breed solutions of cost effective enterprise-wide technology for financial institutions, now offers real-time red flag alerts to its fraud prevention initiatives product suite for Internet banking and mobile banking.
To date, identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the United States. The identities of nearly 9 million Americans are stolen each year, with estimated total losses of $15.6 billion in recent years. To assist institutions to comply with the red flag guidance and regulations and combat this growing consumer concern, IBT has developed a strategic identity theft prevention plan that alerts the consumer immediately on recognition of some important common triggers identified in the red flag guidance.

“Once again, these identity theft prevention initiatives demonstrate our commitment to safeguard our financial institutions customer information by alerting the customer of suspicious activity, heightening awareness as it occurs and requiring their confirmation of activity in real-time. This is a classic example of 'the IBT difference' in going beyond what is expected and providing solutions suites that protect customers information and give our Client base a unique advantage in providing them the ability to offer this extra security to their customers”, said Mike Golebiowski, president of IBT.

About IBT
Headquartered in Cedar Park, Texas, IBT specializes in providing complete enterprise automation for financial institutions with products such as core processing, Check 21 proof automation, mobile banking, Internet banking, document imaging and personal financial management applications complete with 24/7 support services. The company focus is to push the innovation envelope to improve process and deliver reliable real time information across all delivery channels. The IBT suite of products delivers robust functionality and flexibility with product creation making the cost of ownership affordable while dramatically improving customer experience.
