When shopping around for a new local bank account, you likely look for the highest Dallas interest rate in order to pinpoint which account is best. While interest rates are very important, the deposit account with the very highest rate near you isn’t the only good option.
Local banking is about finding top offers for the location. Every city has a variety of financial institutions, accounts and rates, so understand what to expect for your particular location can help you identify which rates are actually good and which fall below par. That’s when knowing the interest rate averages becomes very advantageous.
Dallas Banking Rates has evaluated today’s deposit rates in Dallas to put together the average rates for each type. Reference these average interest rates when evaluating local offers–rates that beat the city average are sure to put you ahead of the game.
Average Bank Account Rates in Dallas, TX
Dallas Savings Account Rates
Highest Rate: 1.26% APY
Lowest Rate: 0.01% APY
Average Rate: 0.29% APY
Dallas CD Rates
6-Month CD
Highest Rate: 1.05% APY
Lowest Rate: 0.1% APY
Average Rate: 0.49% APY
12-Month CD
Highest Rate: 1.26% APY
Lowest Rate: 0.1% APY
Average Rate: 0.69% APY
24-Month CD
Highest Rate: 2.02% APY
Lowest Rate: 0.2% APY
Average Rate: 0.98% APY
The above rates are accurate as of 9/21/11, but may change at any time in the future. Please contact individual financial institutions directly to verify rates and learn about an additional requirements.
Local banking is about finding top offers for the location. Every city has a variety of financial institutions, accounts and rates, so understand what to expect for your particular location can help you identify which rates are actually good and which fall below par. That’s when knowing the interest rate averages becomes very advantageous.
Dallas Banking Rates has evaluated today’s deposit rates in Dallas to put together the average rates for each type. Reference these average interest rates when evaluating local offers–rates that beat the city average are sure to put you ahead of the game.
Average Bank Account Rates in Dallas, TX
Dallas Savings Account Rates
Highest Rate: 1.26% APY
Lowest Rate: 0.01% APY
Average Rate: 0.29% APY
Dallas CD Rates
6-Month CD
Highest Rate: 1.05% APY
Lowest Rate: 0.1% APY
Average Rate: 0.49% APY
12-Month CD
Highest Rate: 1.26% APY
Lowest Rate: 0.1% APY
Average Rate: 0.69% APY
24-Month CD
Highest Rate: 2.02% APY
Lowest Rate: 0.2% APY
Average Rate: 0.98% APY
The above rates are accurate as of 9/21/11, but may change at any time in the future. Please contact individual financial institutions directly to verify rates and learn about an additional requirements.